
Installation of odk2stata provides two command line scripts. The first command line script launches a GUI:

$ odk2stata-gui

The second runs the command line interface (notice here the added -h flag to get help messaging):

$ odk2stata -h
usage: odk2stata [-h] [-s SETTINGS] [-d {briefcase,aggregate,no_groups}]
                 [-o OUTPATH] [-V]

Generate a configurable do file from an XlsForm.

positional arguments:
  xlsform               The XlsForm to analyze.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SETTINGS, --settings SETTINGS
                        The settings file. If not supplied then sensible
                        default settings are used. Access those with "python3
                        -m odk2stata.dofile.settings" on the command line.
  -d {briefcase,aggregate,no_groups}, --dataset_source {briefcase,aggregate,no_groups}
                        Where does the data come from? The option "no_groups"
                        is for data where the groups have been stripped out.
                        Default is "briefcase".
  -o OUTPATH, --outpath OUTPATH
                        Where to save the do file. If not supplied, then the
                        do file is written to STDOUT.
  -V, --version         Print the software version and exit

Common usage for odk2stata looks like:

$ odk2stata -s configuration.ini /path/to/odk/form.xlsx -o /path/to/output/

The configuration.ini is a configuration file and will be described later. The command line takes the path to the ODK file and a specified output file. If no output path is supplied, then the resulting do file is printed to standard out.