
A primary goal of odk2stata is to be configurable, while using sensible defaults out of the box.

The configuration file can be created using:

$ python3 -m odk2stata.dofile.settings

and for version 0.2.5, the settings file looks like

skip = False
omit = False
dataset_source = briefcase
which_label = first_label
extra_label = o2s_label

odk_names_to_destring = 

types_to_drop = note
odk_names_to_drop = 
odk_names_not_to_drop = 

encode_select_ones = True
encode_external_select_ones = False
odk_names_to_encode = 
odk_names_not_to_encode = 
choice_lists_not_to_encode = 
number_column = o2s_number
strict_numbering = False
label_replace_column = first_label

first_paragraph_only = False
remove_numbering = True
stop_at_words = 
stop_before_words = 

author = 
timestamp_format = %Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S
case_preserve = False
merge_single_repeat = True
merge_append = True
odk2stata_version = 0.2.5

direct_rename = 
rename_to_odk_name = True

default_split_method = append_number
binary_option_label = yes_no
binary_label = o2s_binary_label
choices_to_exclude = negative_numbers
choice_lists_to_split = 
choice_lists_not_to_split = 
odk_names_to_split = 
odk_names_not_to_split = 
odk_names_to_append_name = 
odk_names_to_append_number = 
odk_names_to_name_only = 
number_column = o2s_number
strict_numbering = False

An .ini file is broken into sections, demarcated by [section_heading]. The odk2stata .ini settings file roughly has one section per area of work. Those sections are described below.


The .ini file is parsed using Python’s configparser module. Therefore, the settings in [DEFAULT] are applied to all other sections as default key-value pairs.


odk2stata uses single strings and lists as values in the .ini file. Lists are made by putting one entry per line. The second line and after need to be indented so that the parser does not confuse them as keys.

Section: DEFAULT

skip = False
Should a section be skipped? Default is False, not to skip.
omit = False
Should a section be omitted? Default is False, not to omit.
dataset_source = briefcase
Where does a dataset come from? Options are briefcase, aggregate, and no_groups
which_label = first_label
Which label in survey or choices should be used? This value can be the exact name of a column to specify that one, or the special term first_label to mean the first label column on a sheet.
extra_label = o2s_label
Which column should be used as a label override? Default is o2s_label, meaning that a new column should be added to the xlsform with a header o2s_label. If a value is found in this column, it is used preferentially over the column for which_label.

Section: destring

This section handles the destringing portion of odk2stata. Since output datafiles are CSV, all values are treated as strings on import and then destringed. odk2stata knows to destring columns based off of integer and decimal types.

odk_names_to_destring =
A list of names of additional columns to destring.

Section: drop_column

types_to_drop = note
ODK types to drop automatically. Default is note. ODK datasets include columns for notes, so notes are dropped automatically.
odk_names_to_drop =
A list of ODK names (survey tab) to drop. Default is empty list.
odk_names_not_to_drop =
A list of ODK names not to drop. Default is empty list.

Section: encode_select_one

encode_select_ones = True
Should select_one question types be encoded at all? Default is True.
encode_external_select_ones = False
Should external select_one question types be encoded at all? Default is False.
odk_names_to_encode =
A list of additional ODK names to encode.
odk_names_not_to_encode =
A list of ODK names not to encode.
choice_lists_not_to_encode =
A list of list names on the choices tab that should not be encoded.
number_column = o2s_number
The column in the choices tab where the numbers to be used can be found. Default is o2s_number.
strict_numbering = False
Strict numbering means that if there are some choices without numbers in number_column, the program should error out. Default is False. If numbers are missing in the number_column then they are filled in starting with 1.
label_replace_column = first_label
Encoding labels should be replaced with entries in this column. Default is first_label or the first column with a label.

Section: label_variable

first_paragraph_only = False
Use the first paragraph only when labeling a variable.
remove_numbering = True
Remove question numbering at the beginning.
stop_at_words =
Use the label up to and including any of the words in this list.
stop_before_words =
Use the label up to but not including any of the words in this list.

Section: metadata

author =
Who is the author of this Stata do file?
timestamp_format = %Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S
What is the timestamp format for dates and times?
case_preserve = False
Should case be preserved on the first Stata infile? Default is False so that case is not preserved.
merge_single_repeat = True
If there is a single repeat group, should it be merged into the dataset? If there are multiple repeat groups, then each repeat group has its own do file section, since they generate their own datasets.
merge_append = True
If merging takes place should the do file append the variables to the end? If so, set this to True. False inserts the variables where they occur in the XLSForm.
odk2stata_version = 0.2.5
What is the version of odk2stata? Default is generated from within the code.

Section: rename

direct_rename =
A list of direct renames. An example is var1 myVariable.
rename_to_odk_name = True
Should Stata variables be renamed to their ODK name? Default is True to do such renaming.

Section: split_select_multiple

default_split_method = append_number
How should the new variables be named? Default is append_number to take the original variable and append a number. Other options are append_name to take the originl variable and append the choice name and name_only to use the choice name only as the new variable.
binary_option_label = yes_no
What should the binary variables be labeled as? Default is yes_no for “Yes” and “No”.
binary_label = o2s_binary_label
What should the Stata label name be in the do file? Default is o2s_binary_label.
choices_to_exclude = negative_numbers
Which choices to exclude? Setting this to negative_numbers means that any choice name that is a negative number does not get a new variable.
choice_lists_to_split =
Which choice lists should be split? This is a list.
choice_lists_not_to_split =
Which choice lists should not be split? This is a list.
odk_names_to_split =
Which ODK names should be split? This is a list.
odk_names_not_to_split =
Which ODK names should not be split? This is a list.
odk_names_to_append_name =
Which ODK names should be split in the append_name style?
odk_names_to_append_number =
Which ODK names should be split in the append_number style?
odk_names_to_name_only =
Which ODK names should be split in the name_only style?
number_column = o2s_number
What column should be used to look for choice numbers? Default is o2s_number.
strict_numbering = False
Strict numbering means that if there are some choices without numbers in number_column, the program should error out. Default is False. If numbers are missing in the number_column then they are filled in starting with 1.